Are you ready to live your best life?
Are you ready for change?
Services Available
Mindset Coach
Become the Best Version of YOU
Health and Wellbeing Coach
Tools and techniques to help you live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.
Bespoke Business Support
Every business is unique, from time to time you may need some support and it’s ok to ask for help.
Mindset Coach
Health and Wellbeing Coach
Bespoke Business Support
Services Available
Mindset Coach
Become the Best Version of YOU
Health and Wellbeing Coach
Helping you to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.
Bespoke Business Support
Helping businesses with an extra pair of hands when needed to deliver training, workshops etc.
How I Can Help You
Mindset Coach
Are you ready to live a better life?
Are you ready to discover and live your true purpose, potential and passion in life?
Are you ready to live a life full of growth, happiness, fulfilment and inner peace?
Are you ready to develop your confidence, courage and resilience?
Are you ready to take the leap of faith and say Yes to whatever it is you really want to do, want to achieve or want to become in life?
“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”

Mindset, Health and Wellbeing Coaching
Coaching Sessions
60 minute individual
coaching session.
Thinking Into Results
6 Months 1:1
Proctor Gallagher Institute
Transformational Coaching Programme
Restart, Reset and Refocus
4 Week Mindset,
Health & Wellbeing Programme.
Available every month

12 Proven Steps to Success
Thinking Into Results
This exceptionally designed Proctor Gallagher Institute Coaching Programme will really help you understand your own mind and how to take control of both your thinking and your results. It is presented in twelve relevant, simple and practical lessons to ensure that the Success Mindset becomes part of your every day thinking and actions which ultimately leads to the results you want most in life. Thinking Into Results Coaching Programme is delivered over a 6 month period on a 1:1 basis and you will have access to the programme for life thereafter.
Lesson One: A Worthy Ideal
Get ready to take control of your life with this important lesson on how to set goals that promote quantum leaps.
Lesson Two: The Knowing / Doing Gap
Why do you keep doing the things you know are not serving you? Find out how to close the gap between what you know you should do and what you will do.
Lesson Three: The Infinite Mind
What are the tools that can change your paradigm? This lesson goes into detail on how to take control of your mind and be more than just a product of your environment.
Lesson Four: The Secret Genie
Explore the mind in greater depth by studying the conscious and the subconscious mind. Learn to
block environmental factors and use your incredible mental powers to decide what you allow into
your subconscious mind.
Lesson Five: Thinking Into Results
Identify and tap into your mental faculties to understand your capabilities and live a purposeful and creative life.
Lesson Six: Environment is but our Looking Glass
A positive self-image is key to improving your paradigm. Create your own self-image using this important lesson.
Lesson Seven: Trample the Terror Barrier
When you set a worthy goal you can crash straight into your terror barrier before you reach it. As you push through it, you grow and learn that you can do it again and again. Freedom awaits you on the other side.
Lesson Eight: The Power of Praxis
Belief in the possible is integral to your success! Merge belief into your subconscious mind with this
amazing lesson.
Lesson Nine: The Magic Word
Attitude and how it defines your results. Improve your attitude and raise your frequency.
Lesson Ten: The Most Valuable Person
What can you do to become the best leader? Build, motivate and generate the most productive
atmosphere in any environment from the top down.
Lesson Eleven: Leaving everyone with the Impression of Increase
This amazing lesson will create a deep understanding of how to see and highlight the best of everyone you encounter and to become the very best you can be.
Lesson Twelve: Magnifying the Mind
In this lesson you will discover a critical tool you too can use to increase the power of the mind to overcome challenges and meet your goals.
How I Can Help You
Health and Wellbeing Coach
Would you like to live a happier and healthier life?
As a Health and Wellbeing Coach I help people who are ready to make positive and lasting changes in their life in order to improve their own Health and Wellbeing.
Benefits of Health and Wellbeing Coaching include:-
- Improved Mental and Emotional Health
- Improved Physical Health
- Increased Self-Awareness
- Improved Goal setting and achievement
- Positive impact on Workplace culture.
Working with me you will learn tools and techniques that will enable you to feel better and to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life now and in the future.
How I can Help You
Health and Wellbeing Coach Accreditation

How I can Help You
Bespoke Business support
Every business is unique and from time to time you may need support. Whether it’s help with Training, Presentations, Workshops or Events never be afraid to ask for a helping hand. Whatever you need help with just get in contact with me and if it’s not something I can assist with personally I may just know someone who can help you.
- Training & Presentations delivered in Educational Settings, Organisations and Businesses
- Event Planning, co-ordination and delivery.
- Other Support as required in your Business. No two businesses are the same so support can be tailored to meet your individual needs.

Who am I?
Alison Mitchell

After a career in banking of almost 24 years I took a leap of faith in 2021 and left my job to begin my journey as an entrepreneur and I have never looked back!
As I embarked on my own journey of personal development and training to become a Certified Coach I experienced stepping outside my comfort zone, facing fear, doubt, worry, procastination and imposter syndrome. I faced them all and now I want to help and support others to do the same.
In May 2022 I began my Mindset Coach training with the Proctor Gallagher Institute and I now deliver and facilitate their transformational Thinking Into Results coaching programme with clients on a 1:1 basis. I followed and studied the life and teachings of Bob Proctor for many years and to be able to now share his teachings and help transform the lives of others is a real honour and privilege for me.
During 2023 and 2024 I continued my professional development and in April 2024 I qualified as a Certified Health and Wellbeing Coach accredited by The Association of Coaching and the NHS Personalised Care Institute.
In August 2024 I qualified as a Trauma Informed Coach.
As a Coach I love helping individuals who are ready and willing to welcome change into their life, those who are facing change outside their control and those who didn’t even know they needed change in their life through sharing tools, techniques, practices, knowledge and my experience.
Change will mean something different to everyone. It may mean to be less stressed, to be better organised, to be more resilient, to be more confident, to live a happier life, a healthier life, a new way of life, a change in career path, a more vibrant life or a more fulfilled life.
Whatever change you are looking to welcome into your life or whatever change you are going through having the services of a coach can really help and support you navigate your journey.
My passion is your happiness and I would love to help and support you to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.
Remember nothing changes if nothing changes.
Read More About Me
Since leaving my career in banking my hobbies and interests have really changed and now include cold water therapy, paddle boarding, movement, meditation, reading, gardening, art plus many more.
I love being outdoors and appreciating the beauty of Nature.
My partner and I have a Motorhome and we love travelling and exploring Ireland and further afield.
I believe every day we have on earth is a gift and every day is to be enjoyed and appreciated.
News & Updates
News & Updates
Serenity ~ Sunday, 1st October 2023 Self Care, Health & Wellbeing Event at the Beech Hill Country House